Let Them Live

I know there are many voices out there that tell you that pro life people don't care about the life of the mother. That is not now nor has that ever been true. All Life has value and we want to help you find the truth and what is best for you and your baby. We want for you to know what all of your options are. Knowledge and truth will lead you to the best option.

Unplanned Pregnancy?

Just stop! Take a deep breath! YOU HAVE CHOICES!

Don't let the talking heads convince you that there is only one option. This is your decision not theirs so you need to know ALL of your options. The information is there with no pressure or judgement. People who truly care and want you to have all of the information you need to make the best choice for you and your baby. That is a wise first step, knowledge.

Post Abortion Healing

Most of the centers have post abortion help but I also have a section especially for this issue.

If you have had an abortion and are having feelings of remorse or sadness, please get help and don't lose hope. There is a lot of help from people and organizations. A wide range of ways to help so you can find the one that suits you best. No judgement just love and care.

The Adoption Option

If you feel that you cannot raise this child please consider adoption. There are almost 40 couples waiting for a child for every one abortion in America. Adoption has changed a lot since your mom's day. There are a wide range of adoption choices. From no contact with the child to being a part of their lives and seeing them grow.

Behind the Choice

Our aim is not to try to force or guilt you into anything. What a women at this time needs is to be given all of the information possible to help her make an educated decision about what is best for her and her baby. These centers do that and so much more. Please, do not let anyone rush you into a choice that could have negative effects for the rest of your life.

I am not affiliated with any of these facilities. I just have a heart for young women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy and are rushed into a decision without knowing all of her options.

An informed choice is a healthy choice.

A Call for All

Women's lives are being devastated every day because of the lies out there. And babies are still dying.

The Pro-Life fight is more critical today than ever before, especially in blue states and cities.

One of the issues we face is the ability to get word out about the existence of these centers and what they have to offer. If they don’t know about them then they are in danger of making an uninformed decision that will affect them the rest of their lives.

We must get the truth out there over the voices that deceive and lie to them. And they need to understand that we are not taking their “Choice” away. That we are giving them the ability to make an informed choice.

Wise Words

The Creator will not hold us guiltless if we turn a deaf ear to the cries of His innocent babies. So come and get me if you must, Mr. President. I will not bow before your wicked regulation.
~ Dr. James Dobson ~